Just me...

This is my first attempt at a blog, so please have patience...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Link to all my poems...

To view all of my poems that I don't mind anyone seeing:
1. click here
2. On the page that shows up, enter my last name monger and my first name nathan...

Defining Perfect Love....

Perfect Love…
Is not something we take,
Only something we give.
Has selfless, compassionate desire,
For what is in the best interest of another.
Gives value to those,
In whom others see no worth.
Does spontaneous acts of kindness,
Not thinking of loss.
Restoring the relationship back to what it was before.
Is not a feeling,
But a commitment.
Does not seek to destroy,
Only to save.
And can only be measured by what,
We are willing to give up, for the one we love.

This is Perfect Love…

Is there anything else to say?